Monday, May 18, 2020

The Causes And Consequences Of Anxiety - 943 Words

Anxiety is defined as a condition, or unpleasant emotional state that involves feelings of worry, tension and apprehension (Bekker et al, 2003). To attempt to discover the causes of anxiety, and what areas of the brain are involved, Jeffrey Grays Behavioural Inhibition System (1982) will be discussed. Following this, further exploration of these beliefs by Carver and White (1994) will be explored. In addition to these, it is also suggested that anxiety is correlated to hippocampus and amygdala formation and volume, therefore, this idea will also be explored, other factors that may influence anxiety will also be discussed in order to consider other potential causes and consequences of anxiety. After review and consideration of this evidence, the question â€Å"To what extent can individual differences in anxiety be explained by variation in the â€Å"Behavioural Inhibition System† will be explained. Jeffrey Grays (1982) Behavioural Activation System (BAS) and Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) which are now occasionally referred to as Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) (Pickering and Corr, 2008) are theories of personality, which believe that individual differences in personality are due to neurobiological factors (Avila Barrà ³s-Loscertales, 2008). The Behavioural Activation System is motivated by reward and motivation. Whereas the Behavioural Inhibition System is motivated by sensitivity to punishment and avoidance (Goldberg et al, 2010) To test this theory, Carver and WhiteShow MoreRelatedAgoraphobia Essay1277 Words   |  6 PagesAgoraphobia is an intense, irrational fear or anxiety occasioned by the prospect of having to enter certain outdoor locations or open spaces. For example, busy streets, busy stores, tunnels, bridges, public transportation and cars. Traditionally agoraphobia was solely classified as a phobic disorder. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History of the American Mafia Essay - 1512 Words

History of the American Mafia Imagine living in a world where crime ruled. A world where gangsters were more powerful than politicians, owned the police, and ran the city in whatever way they felt. They robbed whom they wanted and killed when they didnt get their way. Now stop imagining and realize that this happened here in the United States of America in the 1920s. It was run by an organization made up mainly of Italians called the Mafia. The word Mafia itself has many meanings. In Arabic it means refuge, which refers to the origins of the Mafia as a society that fled to the hills of Italy to avoid attack. Some Italians hold it as a word of high respect implying strength, courage, agility, quickness, endurance, and†¦show more content†¦This code states that all family-based activities are above all domestic family matters in the home, it enforces silence, a strike upon another member is like a strike on the boss himself. Violating any of these laws is punishable by death with no trial or remors e (Whizkid01 3). This one value is what kept Mafia families powerful and prosperous. As the Mafia grew in America, they prospered off illegal gambling and prostitution. It wasnt until 1919 with the ratification of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution that the Mafia really gained power. The 18th amendment banned the distribution and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages in America (Prohibition 2). Although this amendment meant nothing but good, it did the exact opposite to America. While politicians saw an improved nation with this amendment, criminals saw green. Americans now thought drinking as a thrill, it was something illegal that they can do but get away with. It was the rush of getting away with it that made speakeasies so popular. Speakeasies were Mafia-run entertainment clubs, consisting of an open bar of the finest bootlegged liquor along with dining and entertainment (Prohibition 5). One of the most successful Mafia bosses involved in bootlegging and prostitution was Charles Lucky Luciano. He was born in 1897 in Sicily, Italy. At the age of 9 he moved to the Lower East Side of New York. In 1920 he began his own prostitutionShow MoreRelatedEssay about Organized Crime1744 Words   |  7 Pageswell as the social state of its homeland, Europe. Our society is convinced that the so-called Mafia is a family of pure criminals, pimps, and murderers. Whatever the opinion, there is no doubt that the Mafia played a big part in the history of America and the way Americans view crime today. The origins of the secret society known as the Mafia are believed to be as old as the 9th century (Mafia History). 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Sample of effectiveness of Osmotics Communication

Question: Write a discussion section that thoroughly describes what was "learned" in the case study on osmotic communications? Answer: A good external communication can only be achieved when the internal communication is excellent (Carlson Crawford, 2012). We have already discussed the advantages and disadvantages of osmotic communication. Osmotic communication is an excellent method until the team size gets too big. One can speak here about ones troubles in a team without any fear of retaliation. For instance, the team manager can be informed if the schedule is unrealistic or when the code of a colleague needs to be refactored. The weaknesses inside a team can be judged and repaired without much effort. The team should focus on the task at hand and to attain this, they should learn time management. Time management is a huge factor in these types of communications (Gabellone, 2015). Hence, a strategy should be adopted to focus time. For example, setting a fixed guaranteed time every single day and scheduling people to execute the same task for a number of fixed days. An expert user needs to be accessible to the tea m in order to utilize as well as test the deliveries which are being sent frequently. In osmotic communications there is a feature of automated testing which helps the team members to move around freely during any time. The configuration management permits people to drop in and out of the tasks whenever they find it convenience. Hence, asynchronous checking in is allowed. When system integrations are frequently being done, mistakes and other errors that are being collected can be easily detected (Moalla, 2013). The important concepts learned are: Information radiator this is a tool for communication which displays information to the team in real-time ("Open Access", 2015). The tools used are generally of low cost such as white boards, bulletining boards etc. Everyone in the workspace is responsible for retrieving as well as updating the information. Team space it refers to the co-location of the members in the team for open and free collaboration and discussions. This aims to provide a close space to the team members for working efficiently but also maintaining some personal privacy (Schneckloth, 2009). Daily scrum this is the regular planning and communication meeting which is held to keep a track of the daily progress of the iteration. Several questions are being discussed in this meeting and answers are sought after (Carlson Crawford, 2012). This is the final step in any process that involves osmotic communication. Tooling this refers to the tools which are used to make the communication more effective such as, reduction of roadblocks so that information can be collected, maintained and dissipated easily (Gabellone, 2015). The types of tools are: Low-tech high-touch tools Co-located teams Distributed teams In osmotic communication, any development process which does not provide any contribution to the customer value is eliminated. This process helps to learn better about the needs of the customers and testing strategies. A short product development cycle time should be created in order to minimize the time between receiving a request and delivering the same. In osmotic communication, control and planning is based on responsibility i.e. the management fully trusts the team and the team repay this by executing the task efficiently (Moalla, 2013). Although it is necessary that the goals provided to the team are realistic and reasonable. Although, there may be frequent conflicts among the team members but conflicts is the part and parcel of any organization. Conflicts generally arise due to difference in opinions and it is necessary sometimes to know about the perspectives of every member in a team ("Open Access", 2015). This is why sometimes open communication is avoided in companies to avoid conflicts since too many conflicts are definitely not a good thing for a firm. Hence, here are some tips compiled to develop an environment where osmotic communication can flourish: Being alert to signs or behaviors showing discontent When communications are choked or rerouted, employees might be rolling their eyes or sighing. Hence, the origin of this dissatisfaction needs to be unrevealed (Schneckloth, 2009). Leaders often ignore these signs as they think that they are incapable of changing it or sometimes they think that it is the way employees generally are. Respecting, encouraging and trusting employees Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization. They should be made to feel safe as well as secure. If there is an atmosphere of fear, the environment for communication may get dysfunctional resulting in counterproductive behaviors. Trusting oneself Good communication skills and confidence are the basic requirements in a leader. To learn about communication means to learn about one and others as well. This would create a trust in oneself and the most favorable level of frankness will be attained and would also give the leader power to handle any type of employee situation arising in the team (Schneckloth, 2009). Perseverance Team members should never feel that their opinions are not welcomed. People and key issues need to be in a continuing relationship where the number of disagreements should be too less. Everybody should try to reach the same or similar conclusions which would be benefitting the company and its employees too. To move forward the issues related with the workplace need to be solved with determination. An action oriented plan should be developed so that employees can delve into the issues for the absolute truth and also reach to an agreement point. The manifesto of this osmotic communication prefers interactions and individuals over the tools and processes. The principle is that business people along with developers should work together to achieve the project goals. Projects are built around motivated and encouraged individuals. Thus, a sustainable process is promoted (Gabellone, 2015). Here, the team focuses on ways for being productive and they are self-organizing. Thus, a team which promotes osmotic communication has several advantages and features. If used correctly, the company will be benefitted by large. References Carlson, J., Crawford, M. (2012).Communication Stereotypes and Perceptions of Managers.SAGE Open, 2(4). Gabellone, F. (2015). Digital Technologies and Communication: Prospects and Expectations. Open Archaeology, 1(1). Moalla, A. (2013). Who Is Responsible for Successful Communication?: Investigating Compliment Responses in Cross-Cultural Communication. SAGE Open, 3(1). Open Access. (2015). IEEE Trans. Profess. Commun.,58, 128-128. Schneckloth, S. (2009). Open Gestures. Visual Communication Quarterly, 16(3), 172-177.